
Newsom Mocks DeSantis: ‘Fire Sale’ After 2024 Race Exit


In a surprising turn of events, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. The decision has not gone unnoticed, with California Governor Gavin Newsom seizing the opportunity to mock his political counterpart. This article unravels the details surrounding DeSantis’ exit, the ensuing comments by Newsom, and the potential implications for the political landscape.

Key Details:

  1. DeSantis’ Exit from 2024 Presidential Race: Bold: Delve into the circumstances leading to Ron DeSantis’ decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Highlight any official statements, reasons cited, and reactions from political circles.
  2. Newsom’s Mockery – ‘Fire Sale’: Bold: Explore Gavin Newsom’s mocking remarks about DeSantis, referring to his exit as a ‘fire sale.’ Analyze the tone and context of Newsom’s comments and assess the potential impact on the public’s perception.
  3. Political Fallout and Speculation: Bold: Examine the immediate political fallout following DeSantis’ exit. What are the reactions from fellow politicians, constituents, and the media? Address any speculation about DeSantis’ political future.
  4. DeSantis’ Response: Bold: If available, include any response or clarification provided by Ron DeSantis regarding Newsom’s comments. Assess how DeSantis is handling the situation and whether he plans to address the mockery directly.


DeSantis’ Exit from 2024 Presidential RaceDelve into the circumstances leading to Ron DeSantis’ decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Highlight any official statements, reasons cited, and reactions from political circles.
Newsom’s Mockery – ‘Fire Sale’Explore Gavin Newsom’s mocking remarks about DeSantis, referring to his exit as a ‘fire sale.’ Analyze the tone and context of Newsom’s comments and assess the potential impact on the public’s perception.
Political Fallout and SpeculationExamine the immediate political fallout following DeSantis’ exit. What are the reactions from fellow politicians, constituents, and the media? Address any speculation about DeSantis’ political future.
DeSantis’ ResponseIf available, include any response or clarification provided by Ron DeSantis regarding Newsom’s comments. Assess how DeSantis is handling the situation and whether he plans to address the mockery directly.


As the political landscape undergoes unexpected shifts with DeSantis’ exit, Newsom’s ‘fire sale’ mockery adds a layer of intrigue. Explore the details, reactions, and potential consequences of this development, shedding light on how these events might shape the future of both politicians on the national stage. Stay tuned for updates as the fallout continues to unfold.

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